
From Sketch to Rough Paint

From Sketch to Rough Paint Working with a largish bristle brush, I’ve roughed in a first layer of acrylic paint for my three little Havanese painting. I usually keep the paint fairly diluted at this stage so my paintings look quite a bit like watercolors. From...
Painting Three Havanese

Painting Three Havanese

Painting Three Havanese It’s been far too long since I’ve posted. Between the holiday rush and the fact I took an unexpected trip to the ER (all fine now), I have been taking a break from social media. But it’s a new year and time to get back to...
A Cavalier For Christmas Stage 2

A Cavalier For Christmas Stage 2

A Cavalier For Christmas Stage 2 This painting is actually a bit farther along than an initial underpainting–but I forgot to take a photo earlier, oops. You can see the rough first layer of paint in the ears and legs, while the face is refined quite a bit...
A Cavalier For Christmas

A Cavalier For Christmas

A Cavalier For Christmas Christmas can be a pretty busy time around my studio with lots of people giving portraits as gifts to those near and dear. Bentley’s portrait was one of those gifts…a 12″ x 12″ painting from husband to wife showing...