Painting Bella, A Black Dog, Part Two

Painting Bella, A Black Dog, Part Two

Painting Bella, A Black Dog, Part Two It’s been awhile since my last post as I’ve been away–but now I’m back in the studio. I continued to develop my portrait of Bella by refining the darks and lights, and building up the paint. I often like to...
Black Lab Painting Continues

Black Lab Painting Continues

Black Lab Portrait Continues The client selected the sketch of Huck the black lab on a shaggy rug so that we could focus in on his face. The biggest revision was softening and making the colors in the background lighter and less intrusive. I started the painting by...
Lab of Love

Lab of Love

Lab of Love I was asked to create a portrait of a handsome black lab named Huck as a wedding gift. When clients contact me–I always ask for several photos because you never know just which picture will make a good painting. Usually I do 2-3 different sketches...