Finished Painting of a Cat Named Buck

Finished Painting of a Cat Named Buck

Buck the Cat, 11″ x 14″ oil painting by Hope Lane. www.hopelaneart.com This is the final portrait, completed with a lot of love for my niece. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out–I wanted a certain softness to come through, and working in...
More work on Buck the Cat

More work on Buck the Cat

I’m continuing to work on Buck’s portrait by laying in a solid layer of oil paint. I’m trying to get the overall tones established and always go for the darker shades first, then layer lighter brushstrokes on top for the fur. This stage is where I...
Starting a Portrait of Buck

Starting a Portrait of Buck

This is the start of a painting of Buck the Cat which will be a gift for my niece. He is her much beloved companion and never far from her side. As she describes him, Buck is “…somewhere between a mama’s boy and a grumpy Gus”. He has an intense...
Finished Portrait of Kitty

Finished Portrait of Kitty

Finished Portrait of Kitty 12″ x 12″ acrylic painting by Hope Lane This is the completed painting of a lovely tuxedo cat named Kitty. It was so much fun to work on this painting. I tend to do many more dog portraits than cat ones–and I enjoy trying...
Sketch for Kitty’s Portrait

Sketch for Kitty’s Portrait

Sketch for Kitty’s Portrait I was asked to create a painting as a gift to remember Kitty, a beloved tuxedo cat who is no longer with us. While I’ve painted quite a few cats, I’ve painted far more dogs, so I always find it interesting how different...